Final year project
Project 1: 'Today is not a good day' and project 2:… [Read more]
Project 1: 'Today is not a good day'
The image shows the box, as well as cards one and two.
The brief:
How can I use my creative skills to aid those with mental health issues?
The problem:
After speaking to sufferers of mental health, the issue of understanding anxiety was one of the biggest problems. The biggest challenge arose when these people were trying to describe how they were feeling but were unable to receive help as their friends and family could not understand it themselves.
The objective:
To create a form of communication where families and friends can be educated on the feelings experienced.
Project 1: 'Today is not a good day'
The image shows cards three to six.
Project 1: 'Today is not a good day'
The image shows cards seven to eight.
Project 2: EGO-putting the future in your hands
The image gives a brief introduction to what 'EGO' is.
The brief:
Inspire meaningful behaviour change toward a sustainable lifestyle
The problem:
Our planet can only produce an infinite number of food and waste, withstanding only a certain degree of greenhouse gas emissions in order to stay healthy.
The objective:
To create a University wide campaign for students aged 18-22. Aiming to promote a sustainable lifestyle before bad habits are created. These positive actions could then be implemented throughout their adult life.
Project 2: EGO-putting the future in your hands
The image shows how the campaign would attract students.
Project 2: EGO-putting the future in your hands
The image breaks down the process of using an EGO cup.
Grace Jacobs
Both projects within this semester were profoundly influenced through targeted discussions with varied audience groups. Within project one, I asked sufferers of mental health; how does anxiety make you feel? Noticeably, their responses included numerous metaphorical feelings which visualised their emotions. Subsequently, this researched aided my approach to identify with sufferers of anxiety through visualisation, allowing me to promote an understanding of mental health.
My second project directly followed an environmental brief to raise awareness of climate change. The research within this project allowed me to identify the negative impact of plastic bottle waste around campus, using hard-hitting facts and statistics to form the basis of this campaign.
Final year project
Project 1: 'Today is not a good day' and project 2: EGO-putting the future in your hands