Final year project
The Power Of Their Presence [Read more]
'Ella' is one of my three final show paintings produced during lockdown and took part in my fundraiser for Mind over the course of lockdown. I was captivated by her kindness to me (a total stranger) and wanted to explore further with paint. I wanted to keep this piece bright and moving as the pose is still and upfront. Using bold brush strokes and layers of paint to achieve this, there is a softness to her pose while retaining intensity and power.
'Ruby' is one of my three final show paintings produced during lockdown. Taking part in my fundraiser for Mind over the course of lockdown, her photographs were so eye-catching, the depth of shadow that plays with the viewer was something I wanted to paint. Retaining eye-contact with the audience was a key part in my work this year - showing venerability but strength of women.
It was important to continue the theme of eye contact for my project, to gain the maximum effect on the audience.
Get Naked For Art - Fundraiser for MIND
These are a selection of the digital drawings I created over lockdown when raising money for MIND. The fundraiser was hugely successful raising money and awareness for mental health and body confidence in the challenging times of lockdown.
Get Naked For Art
These are a selection of the digital drawings I created over lockdown when raising money for MIND. The fundraiser was hugely successful raising money and awareness for mental health and body confidence in the challenging times of lockdown.
Degree show proposal
The idea for my final show was to create a space of reflection, not just at the artwork but on yourself. The large paintings towering over the audience, retaining eye contact with their viewer offer a sense of venerability and power. The addition of large mirrors provides a place to reflect on yourself, an important theme within my work is to be proud of your body, be kind and accept differences we share with others.
Tiggy Beaman
My name is Tiggy - I'm a figurative oil painter specialising in the female nude, and my work is driven my the curiosity of flesh, personalities and the female form.
The key themes within my work are, body confidence, the female gaze and cultural feminism.
My practice, titled ‘The Power of Their Presence’, is driven by my curiosity of the female form, flesh and personalities. It demonstrates truth and rawness through the medium of oil paint on large canvases. Working with women who have struggled with their mental health in many areas but particularly a lack of body confidence. I create large scale nude paintings which tower over the audience, putting the viewer in a less powerful position. I have incorporated the female gaze into my work by establishing strong eye contact between the viewer and the subject within my paintings – this will continue to be a key aspect of my future work. I fell in love with life drawing when studying it at A Levels and naturally continued the subject through my degree. The development of my work this year stemmed from one painting of a fellow student and friend; that particular painting changed my entire outlook on nude art and the impact it can have on not just the viewer, but the model within the piece. At this point, I promoted my work as a means of helping women to develop a stronger sense of body confidence. By working with volunteers, and meeting them prior to modelling in order to build rapport, I have been able to produce many paintings; however, the impact of COVID-19 brought my project to a sudden standstill. Unable to meet my models and drawing from life, I turned to social media to gather new content for my project. I created a fundraiser for Mind, the mental health charity, called 'Get Naked For Art'. The idea - donate, send me your image, receive a digital illustration. This process inspired my final degree show, creating a body of work which is simplistic, direct and powerful. After university, I will continue my painting, working with amazing women and charities to use my art as a means of communicating body positivity to all.
Final year project
The Power Of Their Presence
'17 Shrewsbury Girls High School: Senior School Art Prize
'14-'16 Shrewsbury Girls High School: Sixth Form Art Scholarship